So when did male prostitutes and gay dating service military website owners (,, become “w”s favorite reporters to call on in press conferences? Apparently since they lob partisan, softball, anti-democrat questions to our truth challenged presidential leader. How could this security obsessed white house allow a fake reporter with a fake driver’s license with his kind of background to gain access to the president for over three years? This guy not only posed naked for gay escort services and offered himself for sale at $1200 a weekend to any and all conservative family values heroes he also had a delinquent personal income tax bill of $20,700. This is the same white house that got a second term by drumming up homophobia and railing against gay marriage but hypocrisy never stopped them before. If security concerns are so paramount why wasn’t a background check done on this guy? I guess if you support bush then anything goes but if you don’t then nothing goes. Just ask Fox News. Many reporters can’t even get press credentials because they don’t write such flattering pieces as the right wingers do.
This administration is on record paying your hard earned tax money to conservative columnists and talk show hosts to promote and shill for their partisan policies. They paid one talk show host a quarter of a million dollars to push their policies to minorities. The department of defense even distributed fake news releases by fake reporters and news anchors with fake news to foreign news outlets in order to influence opinion abroad. Is this democracy or a preview of Alex Huxley’s “Brave New World” propaganda machine? How do you like this White House spending over $88 million of your tax dollars spinning false reality for “w” in 2004 with PR contracts in order to improve his poll numbers around the world? Nixon wasn’t even this creepy. With these control freak conservatives and with Fox TV’s help, real news is a nuisance when you can just make up the reality you want people to believe by having several right wing commentators push administration lies without having any dissenting opinions to balance the dialog. Just look at the social security & Medicaid lies, budget lies, morality lies, deficit lies, and the Iraq war lies for examples of the deception these guys go to in order to have their way. When are the public and media going to wake up?
This administration is on record paying your hard earned tax money to conservative columnists and talk show hosts to promote and shill for their partisan policies. They paid one talk show host a quarter of a million dollars to push their policies to minorities. The department of defense even distributed fake news releases by fake reporters and news anchors with fake news to foreign news outlets in order to influence opinion abroad. Is this democracy or a preview of Alex Huxley’s “Brave New World” propaganda machine? How do you like this White House spending over $88 million of your tax dollars spinning false reality for “w” in 2004 with PR contracts in order to improve his poll numbers around the world? Nixon wasn’t even this creepy. With these control freak conservatives and with Fox TV’s help, real news is a nuisance when you can just make up the reality you want people to believe by having several right wing commentators push administration lies without having any dissenting opinions to balance the dialog. Just look at the social security & Medicaid lies, budget lies, morality lies, deficit lies, and the Iraq war lies for examples of the deception these guys go to in order to have their way. When are the public and media going to wake up?
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