Specter a liberal? Ha!
All one has to do to see how far the Republican party has moved to the extreme-right over the last 30 years is to read some recent citizen opinions from our local paper. These so-called typical conservatives are about as extreme right-wing as one could be on the political spectrum but relative to today's deminished and intellectually bankrupt Republican Party, they are in the mainstream. No one could imagine 30 years ago that a real conservative like Arlen Specter would become a Democrat because he wasn't far right enough for the party's mainstream voter but that is where the Republican Party finds its self today. They are just a minor regional Southern Party that stands for the most extreme right-wing positions that the rest of America can not embrace. They are comprised primarily of narrow-minded fundamentalist evangelical gay haters, abortion clinic bombers/doctor killers and NRA extremists who 30 years ago would be listed as anti-government, paramilitary (Timothy McVeigh type) militia nut cases. They say they are against government intervention in the personal lives of its citizens yet when in power they seek to impose their personal religion and morals on Terri Shiavo-like families all across America. They don't understand the distinction between having personal religious beliefs and forcing their own morality onto others through the law. Don't they understand that they need to stay out of other peoples personal lives? It's none of their business what medical decisions a woman or family and their doctor make. They think they are morally superior to all others and insist on impeaching a president for a private affair yet ignore leaders who lie routinely about starting wars, torture, spying on Americans, violation of the Constitution and bankrupting the Country needlessly while giving endless billions to bankers and more tax breaks to make the rich richer. That tells you a lot about their moral and ethical values. The reason their numbers are dwendling is because they find new reasons to exclude people from their party daily rather than reasons to embrace and encompass more diversity and difference of opinions. That type of attitude does not bode well for growing a party. It is a recipe for a dying and corrupt organization. It appears their prognosis for the future is very negative because they are too arrogant to acknowledge any faults. Maybe they should go back and reread the views and opinions of our Country's forefathers. Todays Republicans are so far off what Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson believed this country stood for they would accuse our Country's founders of being socialist radicalss. When your party politcal leaders are shallow and intellectual light-weights such as "w", Rove, Cheney, Palin and blow-hard talk show hosts like Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. what do you expect the followers to consist of? Take a look at who makes up the neo-conservative Republican Party locally by reading their letters to the editor and you have your answer. That's how uneducated Southern states like Kentucky end up with pathetic leaders like Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning. The Democrat Party is the moderate party in America today. They represent all America, not just a southern region of bitter whites clinging to their guns and outmoded views of prejudiced fundamentalist religion. It's obvious the right-wing bitter clingers in Pennsylvania didn't weild the kind of influence and votes they thought they did or else they would still have a Republican Senator named Specter. I think many stubborn like minded Southern bitter-clingers have the same lesson to learn in the coming years. They are just too arrogant to admit they don't represent the typical moderate cross-section of America that rejected the pathetic Bush/Cheney politcies and voted for Obama. They will learn though because the voting process is teaching them a hard lesson. The question is, "will they listen?" They will have to "CHANGE" or die. It's as simple as that. And to top it all off, Al Franken will have the last laugh when Sen. Coleman concedes to him later on the Minnesota election results. Poetic justice don't ya think? Republicans keep reeping what they sow. Biblical analogies always seem to fit perfectly when dealing with Republicans now don't they? What's a bitter right-winger to do these days? Ask Karl Rove or Rush. They always have the answer. They believe the answer is to purge the Republican Party of all moderates and leave only the most radical right-winger kool-aide drinkers. Yeah, that's the answer. Keep getting smaller in number, more idealistically pure and politically irrelavent. Yeah, keep following that road down to oblivion. That will solve all their problems. Ha! Give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves every time. I love it! This couldn't happen to a better group of political clowns.