Friday, August 08, 2008


Well another one of my observations triggered Pavlov’s ( and Charleston Heston’s) dog again. All I have to do is state a simple common sense and reasonable idea and right-wingers go into Grand mal seizures with all their infantile NRA propaganda dogma. What else do you expect from the likes of rural Henderson’s die-hard gun-lust lovers. What is it about handguns that turn seemingly normal citizens into rabid hydrocephalic circus freaks on steroids? Is it that handguns give a sense of superiority or in some way make them more sexually virile? I always thought that chicks dug the good looking guy, the intelligent guy or the wealthy guy. That always worked for me. Ha! Well at least I didn’t have to pack a 357 in order to get my wife. I guess the NRA fellas need to compensate somehow for all their obvious inadequacies. Now excuse me. I’m late for my GQ cover photo and my broker tells me he’d like me to teach a class on macro economics and the statistical probability of handgun owners having an IRA large enough to purchase an accidental life insurance policy, suicides not covered of course but murder is triple indemnity. I don’t put my faith in a gun. The love of Jesus is all the blessed assurance I need in this world. You gun guys seriously need to lighten up and get a life. Now get on your knees and pray before I go mid-evil on you.


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