Friday, August 08, 2008


Isn't it ironic that more handgun deaths are attributed to owners committing suicide than from any other cause and that doesn't even include all the accidental handgun deaths? I listen to NRA handgun extremists claims of self protection from criminals and all the while they are the very ones they should be afraid of. Paranoia is a common malady of most right-wing gun nuts. They live in fear of some imaginary intruder or a black helicopter government agent coming into their home and yet the most dangerous villain they will ever meet is the guy they see in the mirror each morning. Handgun advocates insist they need concealed weapon laws to keep the wild-west under control but these lenient laws enacted in Kentucky certainly haven't prevented horrible acts of violence in our own community. Handguns are not the answer to our societies' thirst for blood and vengeance. Violence only begets more violence. I am an avid hunter and gun owner but handguns don't serve as a necessary requirement for reasonable sportsmen. A shotgun will serve to protect homeowners much better than a handgun and self-inflicted deaths and accidents will be next to nothing. Use some common sense. I hear so many immature handgun owners making macho comments like, "let them try that when I'm around and I will blow them away with my 357." Handguns are only good for one thing; to kill people. More handguns in the hands of irresponsible and unreasonable reactionary people are not the answer. If handguns are more available maybe we should outlaw testosterone. I doubt there have been many mass murders with knifes. Of course criminals will always have handguns but these same criminals were typically good law abiding citizens the day before they committed their crimes. They are the same citizens demanding more lenient gun laws. It's a vicious circular argument that gets you nowhere. The police see the violent results and that is why they support stronger handgun laws. Our right-wing Supreme Court strikes down handgun bans and they are the same irrational court that allows serial rapist priests and other child rapists to avoid the death penalty. Where's the logic and common sense in that? With leadership and rulings like that is it any surprise America is the most violent country on the face of the earth?


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