Monday, June 23, 2008

Bereft of Ideas

The GOP is bereft of ideas and chances to redeem itself this election. All of theirs have failed so the only tactic they have left is to attack and smear Obama with guilt by association, false rumors and gossip. I thought most people had wised up long ago to how the GOP dirty tricks swift-boat boys operated but at each election they just keep going after the same old gullible segment of the population that wants to believe the worst lies about others. I was hoping McCain would be different since the Bush/Rove attack machine had subjected him to their slander and lying push polls during the 2000 primary election but I guess he thinks the only way for him to win is to resort to the same against Obama. So much for integrity. The best they can do is go after Obama's pastor as though the former Episcopalian-McCain's newly adopted fundamentalist Southern Baptist religion doesn't have nutty preachers too, like Hitler loving John Hagee and Ron Parsley. If every Catholic left their Church because of all the priest on child sex abuse cases there would be no more Catholic Church. Why the hypocrisy by the GOP toward Rev Wright? These Appalachian right-wing conservatives are just desperate to tar and feather Obama for whatever reason they can dream up. Pretty pathetic, eh? Let them cling to their hatred, racism and bitterness. It's all they have to hold onto since their GOP political saviors have been discredited during the last eight years and failed at every neo-con wet-dream Cheney and his coven of Constitution killers could attempt. Haters never win but they seem to be very successful in republican politics. It seems that to many NRA right-wingers, their guns are phallic symbols that represent their inadequacies. The bigger and deadly their guns the more macho they feel. Too bad they can't debate and reason based on facts and reality rather than on paranoia and anger. I too am an avid hunter and gun owner but I don't allow it to take over my common sense and objectivity. What is it about NRA extremists that causes them to shun logic and Constitutional realities? How can average working people vote against their own financial self interests by supporting politicians that always vote against helping them? These politicians feel like they have a free pass just because they always vote for even the most extreme pro-hand gun law? (i.e. Mitch McConnell) I expect McCain to embrace these extremists in his quest to be "w's" version of the compassionate dictator of middle earth America. Just watch out for all the smoke and mirrors because they are going to use copious amounts to obscure their many neo-con failures. You might even see McCain pandering to all the Ky, Tenn, and West Virginia Hillary lovers by wearing a pink pantsuit on the campaign trail. I wouldn't put it past him. Hell knows there is no furry like a log-cabin conservative scorned.


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