Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Changing the Subject Again

My how adroit right-wing republicans are at “smoke & mirrors” and changing the subject. Their party should be called the GOMP “Grand Old Magicians Party.” In the midst of one of the most serious financial crisis’ of our lifetime and with a futile and bottomless pit of wasted trillions of dollars and death on an endless war and corporate welfare bankrupting the U.S. Treasury and indebting our children’s future to Chinese slave-masters what are right-wingers concerned about? Obamas’ preacher, missing blond women and politicians’ sex-lives, that’s what. After decades of Republicans embracing and supporting nutty white fundamentalist preachers who rail about how God is punishing America through 911 because of gays, abortion, secular humanism and liberals and that the government should be overthrown by force then seized by God-fearing theocrats, one would think that what a preacher said wouldn’t surprise anyone. But according to right-wingers all the other REAL problems this country faces don’t matter. What’s important to them is that the subject has to shift from the infinite Republican “Bush failures” to scaring working folks enough to get them to vote against their own personal and financial interests. Dividing and conquering is the modus operandi Republicans use to win elections. They have used it to perfection for the last forty years. Do you think they will stop doing it now? Just listen to the right-wing media and you will perceive the obvious. Do you honestly think they would embrace a politician like Obama who encourages reconciliation and healing? Do you really think Bush would send the Federal Reserve in to bail you out if you lost your job or were going bankrupt the way they did Bear-Sterns? Don’t expect them to talk about the critical issues that face this country when they can inflame voters with irrelevant nonsense. When is this country and the media going to stop falling for their deception and tricks?


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