Get fooled again?
Recently another in a long line of illogical, grossly biased and distorted political observations was submitted by a local right-wing partisan. He claimed that Democrats were the party of more government imposed on people’s lives but ignored the reality that today his party is the one guilty of exactly that. He must be living in the past of his sheltered existence or having substance induced flashbacks from the 70’s. This is 2007 and the present republican party is not the responsible Eisenhower GOP of the mid 1950’s. Barry Goldwater wouldn’t recognize what the GOP has deteriorated into today. My critic claimed that Rove should be praised for all his vicious “end justifies the means” political victories but failed to acknowledge that his dirty tricks and unethical tactics resulted in republican’s loosing both houses of congress and bush with the lowest approval ratings in modern history. If that is success I think I will pass. Rove is the chicken hawk who masterminded the defeat of triple amputee Viet Nam veteran (Max Cleland) and other honorable veterans by comparing him to Bin Laden. That’s typical of Rove’s character and he made a career with “w” of just that type of campaigning. Why not lump all democrats in with Al Qaeda and demonize all of them as enemies of America? That’s classic right-wing pathetic logic and people are wising up to it.
In case my critic wasn’t aware of it Congress is made up of 535 different members and there is only one president. Most reasonable people know the republicans are the obstructionists who are preventing dems from ending the war and balancing the budget. It’s apples and oranges. One can not compare approval ratings between those two but Bill Clinton had double the approval rating of bush even during his trumped up impeachment. It’s ironic that the so-called “conservative” Republican party of today, is the one that brought us the largest deficits in history, the most irresponsible out of control spending ever seen, misleading the country into a war we did not want or need, and endless government intervention into citizen’s private / religious lives and personal medical decisions (Terry Shiavo and many faith based initiatives as examples).
In six short years Bush and the Republican’s have created the largest government bureaucracy and debt in the history of this nation. Fact! They preach one thing and do the complete opposite just like many of their hypocritical sexually-perverted family-values leaders. What is it about right-wingers that make them think they can tell others how to live but can’t even live up to their own pathetic rantings? I for one am tired of their hypocrisy and self-righteousness. They need to stay out of other people’s business and stop claiming to be holier than thou. They have whined for generations that the media is biased against them so they start their foreign owned Fox media and have talk shows that are nothing but one-sided propaganda then smear any veteran who speaks against this administration and war as phony soldiers. Fox pundits and Rush claim that certain anti-war generals are treasonous to their country because they oppose our incompetent political efforts in Iraq. These right-wing media clowns have never worn the uniform. Who are they to criticize these generals?
Why should anyone believe anything right-wingers have to say? They have no credibility. Read Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan’s recent book about the lack of integrity of bush and the right-wing republican Congress’s budgetary / fiscal policies. He knows first-hand how irresponsible they were with taxpayer’s money during w’s tenure. Is it any wonder the country is in the mess it is in today? They can’t manage their own finances or morals so why should the American people trust them with managing the government? They have proven their incompetence and it knows no bounds. It will be a long time before the public will trust them again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice; duh, I won’t get fooled again.
In case my critic wasn’t aware of it Congress is made up of 535 different members and there is only one president. Most reasonable people know the republicans are the obstructionists who are preventing dems from ending the war and balancing the budget. It’s apples and oranges. One can not compare approval ratings between those two but Bill Clinton had double the approval rating of bush even during his trumped up impeachment. It’s ironic that the so-called “conservative” Republican party of today, is the one that brought us the largest deficits in history, the most irresponsible out of control spending ever seen, misleading the country into a war we did not want or need, and endless government intervention into citizen’s private / religious lives and personal medical decisions (Terry Shiavo and many faith based initiatives as examples).
In six short years Bush and the Republican’s have created the largest government bureaucracy and debt in the history of this nation. Fact! They preach one thing and do the complete opposite just like many of their hypocritical sexually-perverted family-values leaders. What is it about right-wingers that make them think they can tell others how to live but can’t even live up to their own pathetic rantings? I for one am tired of their hypocrisy and self-righteousness. They need to stay out of other people’s business and stop claiming to be holier than thou. They have whined for generations that the media is biased against them so they start their foreign owned Fox media and have talk shows that are nothing but one-sided propaganda then smear any veteran who speaks against this administration and war as phony soldiers. Fox pundits and Rush claim that certain anti-war generals are treasonous to their country because they oppose our incompetent political efforts in Iraq. These right-wing media clowns have never worn the uniform. Who are they to criticize these generals?
Why should anyone believe anything right-wingers have to say? They have no credibility. Read Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan’s recent book about the lack of integrity of bush and the right-wing republican Congress’s budgetary / fiscal policies. He knows first-hand how irresponsible they were with taxpayer’s money during w’s tenure. Is it any wonder the country is in the mess it is in today? They can’t manage their own finances or morals so why should the American people trust them with managing the government? They have proven their incompetence and it knows no bounds. It will be a long time before the public will trust them again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice; duh, I won’t get fooled again.