Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tell the truth

What is it about right-wingers that make them such hypocrites when it comes to certain issues? They spent years entrapping and impeaching Clinton for a consensual private affair but when it comes to their own affairs, gay or straight, they can’t handle the truth. How many right-wing republican family values preachers and politicians have been exposed for their own deviant behavior in the last ten years? It’s one thing to be guilty of this type of activity but it’s entirely another to be doing these things and at the same time campaigning, preaching and making careers railing against it. These politicians make law for 300 million U.S. citizens but can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that they are legislating against the reality of their own sex lives. A psychologist would tell you that it is based on self-hating, compensation and rationalization. How many of these right-wing hypocrites will continue to hide behind their own homophobic feelings by acting out against those who are open and honest about their sexuality? It explains why so many right-wingers are hate-filled against those that are just like themselves. This also explains why so many right-wingers profess to be super patriots but when it came time for them to serve in the military they became cowardly chicken-hawks. They are the first to condemn those against needless war but won’t act on their own convictions. Be careful around those who demonize gays or peacemakers and want to legislate against them. They are usually the very ones that are gay, cowardly or cheating on their wives themselves. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay. It’s not about the sex. It’s about the hypocrisy. The sooner they can be honest about themselves they can serve us in an honest way. When confronted with the reality of the hypocrisy of many in their own party most right-wingers ignore it and just attack Clinton as if what he did justifies anything their party does. How pathetically hypocritical is that? It’s the tactic of losers. They deserve to lose because of the blind hatred they have of their own sinful self. Until they can come to terms with that they don’t deserve to represent an honest and just public. Make log-cabin republicans proud. Tell the truth!


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