Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I get so tired of hearing the same people who voted "w" and the Republicans into power, complain and whine about the shape of the country today. What did they expect? They gave unlimited power and authority to these self-righteous pricks. They destroyed our Constitution, the economy, our religious freedom, choice in all areas, our civil liberties and now they have the gall to wonder why things are so screwed up.

You get what you deserve. When you put these idiots in power don't whine. It's hypocritical. Don't complain about the nations' debt, war, cost of medicine and the price of gas. You have it coming to you. You probably are so stupid you will make the same mistake next election by falling for the same kind of lies as last time. Republicans have proven they can't be trusted and aren't capable of governing.

Enjoy the monster you created.


Why are right-wingers such haters? It's just their nature. Even when they get all they want they continue to hate. When they are in power, they hate. When the other party is in power they hate them. When anyone criticizes them or their policies, they hate. That is why they are self destructing. Hate only goes so far. It is good for drumming up fear, (and hate against fellow Americans like liberals, pro-choicers, gays, unions, objective intellectuals, logical pragmatists, main stream Christians, etc.) and support for policians' elections and against the nasty terrorists and liberals but it doesn't work when actual governing is required. The right-wingers have proven they can't govern. They prove it again and again every day that passes (Iraq, the economy, Katrina, the environment, etc.). Just look at the last six years. Had enough?


Have you ever noticed how right-wingers like to use the old strawman argument? They make up a fictional caricature of their political nemesis and argue with them while claiming this fictional person is typical of all their political opponents. Listen to bush, cheney, right-wing talk show hosts and other administration demogogues discuss issues and they will say something like, "some liberals on the other side say we shouldn't do anything to stop terrorism because it is unamerican" or "some on the left want Al Qeada and Bin Laden to destroy us". Exactly who are they talking about? Why don't they name names? No one on the left believes that and no polician would make such a rediculous statement but in order to bolster "w"s pathetic policies and arguments he makes up this strawman and knocks him down to show his ideas and tactics are superior. How long will the media and the public let them get away with this? These are the tactics of ignorant frauds.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Imagine there’s no heaven. If there were no heaven do you think right-wing fundamentalists would feel that it was their duty to dictate their religious beliefs to the rest of the world based on narrow interpretations of their holy book? Do you think we would have theocracies being controlled by a dominate religious party? Do you think extremists would use rigid laws and violence to force their morality on others? Would needless wars continue to be fought in the name of a religious nation and their faith? Would these fundamentalists be better stewards of our environment for the future of our children? Do these extremists see beyond their own apocalyptic eschatology? Many of them think that we are living in the last days; therefore they don’t feel any obligation to prepare for the future or view world events in a long term context. The result is; ignore science and the future, keep spending and piling up endless debt and using all the earths’ natural resources because it just doesn’t matter. God is coming back and life as we know it will be over. Don’t worry, be happy. When a religion promises follower’s an afterlife of opulence, health, paradise, streets of gold and 72 virgins if they sacrifice themselves in holy war, how does one reason with them? Is religion being used as a destructive force in our world? Maybe the secular humanists are right. If this life is all we have we would take more responsibility for our fellow humans and our children’s future. Maybe we would treasure this life more and live in such a way as to demonstrate true morality and altruism. Maybe.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


A study from the Journal of Research into Personality concluded that insecure kids look for the reassurance provided by tradition and authority, and find it in conservative politics. The more confident kids are eager to explore alternatives to the way things are and gravitate toward liberal politics.

A similar 2003 study out of Stanford concluded that people who are dogmatic, fearful, intolerant of ambiguity and uncertainty, and who crave order and structure are more likely to gravitate to conservatism.

The truth hurts, no?

Even if they really did tend to be insecure complainers as kids, they might simply have recognized that the world is a scary, unfair place. The safest thing is to stick to tradition could well be the right one. As for their ‘rigidity,’ maybe that's just moral certainty.”

Of course, whiny-ness and insecurity also means overcompensation. Ever wonder why draft-dodging, chicken hawk Republicans are so eager to beat their chest and send other people’s kids to war?

Monday, March 13, 2006

One Word

If there was only one word to discribe the bush adminishtration, what would it be?

I am torn between arrogant and incompetent. What do you think?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I submit a challenge to right-wingers. Name three things that are better in this country today than they were six years ago. In my opinion there are few if any positive actions that this administration has initiated that have improved the lives of American citizens. In all areas of concern, (economics, security, Constitutional guarantees, the environment, medical coverage, education, government competency, debt, peace, equal justice, international standing, Christian values, politicians truthfulness and many others) we are in worse shape today than before. I wish I were wrong but I can’t build a case with facts to invalidate my observations. We need to change our present course or we are doomed to failure. This is not the America our founders envisioned. Amos and other prophets of the Old Testament essentially said the same things three thousand years ago and what did they do? Is it too late to turn from our misguided ways?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Evolution vs Intelligunt Desine

I have heard it all and am quite frankly tired of the ignorant arguments about science and evolution. Why are those people who want to impose the Intelligunt Desine theory on we evolution ape-man scientists so stupid? Get an education! Don't make God look dumb for creating boobs like yourself. Make God proud by using the brain he put in your head. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

It hurts!

Have you heard "w's" latest line? When asked what he wants to be remembered for when out of office, "w" said, "he wants to be known as the peace president."

Oh, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt for hours. What insulated marshmellow dream world is this bozo living in. Does he have anyone around him who tells him the truth. His reality is illusion. He probably thinks if he jumps off a building he will fly. Sorry "w" but the sidewalk is quickly appoaching and reality hurts.


Two days after his election a year ago, George Bush said, "Let me put it to you this way: I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style." Wow, It is his style to spend his questionable capital doing what? Trying to destroy Social Security as we know it? Trying to impose his agenda on a dying family's (Terri Schiavo) wishes? Ignoring a drowning city like New Orleans just the way he ignored the warnings of pre-911? Committing treason by outing a CIA agent? Cahorting with and offering the Lincoln bedroom to Jack Abramoff and Tom Delay, those two pillars of conservative virtue? Slapping "Heck of a job Brownie" on the back for a job well done and winking at "Big Time Cheney" for
shooting a finacial backer in the face? Increasing the death and destruction of Iraq? Increasing the deficit and debt of America three fold since stealing office through the right-wing Supreme Court and finally assuring the public he is the protector from terrorism by turning over American ports to known Al Quieta sympathizers and financial backers. If that's his way of spending captial maybe he should save it for another time like next hurricane season.


If there is justice in this world it would be having Dick Cheney and "w" spending one day in a Humvee with some 18 year old American heros in Iraq during midnight runs through the streets of Fillujeh. It would be a contest to see which neo-con blowhard soils his pants first. Our young men should not be sacrificed for the incompetence and arrogance of these frauds and liars.