Thursday, October 27, 2005

Politicalization of Religion

If God told "w" to choose Miers, why is he withdrawing her nomination? Was God wrong or did "w" misinterpret his dreams?

Maybe he misinterpreted what God told him about, taxes, spending, faith-based departments, and going to war in Iraq. Once you start down that road of using God as an excuse for your own arrogance and unquestioned authority where does it end?

Why has bush politicized religion in America? We are becoming very close to a theocracy because the majority religion feels they should control everyone elses views on religion. That is the exact opposite of why this country was started.

The republicans have no one else to blame for any issues in this country because they have control of all branches of government. Some on the right are starting to complain about the Congress and how they let spending get out of control while "w" tries to reign them in. What a joke. None of those spending bills could ever have become law unless "w" signed them. He is just as complicit in all of this as anyone in Congress. Why does the right feel the need to defend bush on every issue as though he is incapable of being wrong on anything? They act as though he is a King and should not be questioned. I don't recall them saying that about Clinton when he was president. They are so hypocritical about their politics it is comical. We should respect the office of president but not neccessarily everything any president does. This is not a monarchy. It is our civic duty to question our leaders. They are our servants and they need to understand that. It is not unpatriotic to point out that our leaders have lied to us. The patriots are the ones who do question their leaders.

To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

Theodore Roosevelt


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