Wednesday, August 17, 2005


To all those right wing partisans who cringe any time someone points out the lies that this administration promotes as fact I say try reading and listening to something a little more objective than FOX news, rush/hannity, and the official bush web site. We don’t need the repeating of these biased programs in our newspaper when we get hours of them each and every day through the mass media. Being a mouthpiece for and apologist of bush and company is redundant. I try to be objective in my views by reading the congressional record and other unbiased reports. An excellent source of economic issues is Paul Krugman who is a Nobel prize nominated economics professor at Princeton University and was equally critical of some Clinton policies. The information I obtained concerning the viability of social security came from the republican controlled Congressional budget office. They state that if no changes are made to the present system it will be 100% viable till 2052 not 2018 as erroneously reported here. The fact is that in 2018 the system will begin to draw from the huge trust fund that was established in 1983 for just this situation to compensate for the added baby boomers to the system. To state that date as when it starts to run out of money is simply a lie and only used as a scare tactic by bush and his echo chamber of right wing mannequins. Bush’s program will require trillions of dollars of addition debt added to the already massive national debt and create a deficit which will never be brought under control even beyond the present largest deficit in history that our children will have to live with. This debt will likely cause a stock market downturn which will additionally make the privatized system even less viable. Bush has once again created a non existent crisis much like he has done on many other issues in order to force through his budget busting policies and destroy programs he and the republicans have never supported. For a good example of how poor a privatized retirement system works look no further than England and a few other countries who started it some twenty years ago. They are all abject failures and wish they could return to a solid system like our own social security which was wisely established some seventy years ago. Don’t gamble with your future by putting your money in the boom - bust stock market. For every winner there are nine losers just like the lottery. The only ones who will win are the stock brokers. Questioning “w”s policies is not unpatriotic, it is the wise and patriotic thing to do. He has proven he can’t be trusted. Anything less would be a capitulation to blind partisanship.


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