I have followed with hysterical amusement the seemingly endless fact-denying irrational reasoning of local right-wingers since the November election results came in and it confirms my understanding of them. Even though Henderson was won by Obama, local neo-cons as a group can’t acknowledge reality any better today than they did six months ago. They are so absorbed in their fantasy world of Fox and Rush lies they don’t even comprehend that their eight year neo-con wet-dream-team of “w” & Cheney has been repudiated. Their compassionate conservatism mirage has been tossed into the waste bin of failed GOP history along with Nixon’s Watergate legacy and Reagan/Bush’s Iran/Contra - balanced budget/read my lips, no new taxes mantra.
Colin Powell and other reasonable Republicans tried to warn them of their limited appeal to a moderate and more ethnically diverse population so what did the GOP do? They played to only the most radical of evangelicals and NRA conspiracy theorists. They are so tone deaf to their political plight their answer for the next election is to become even more right-wing and only focus on Southern and sparsely populated western states; this after eight years of terrorist attacks, needless war, debt tripling, and economic destruction to the extent not seen since the depression of last century. All this followed a gift given from Clinton with the largest surplus in history. The revisionist history lies have been coming non-stop from the Whitehouse and the right-wing media ever since they were whipped in November. They just keep trying to deflect blame for every Republican disaster onto that skirt-chasing hound-dog genius Bubba. Their legacy is so obscene even the shoe throwing Iraqi man was disgusted. If we could let the public pay $5 each for the right to throw our shoe at “w” or Cheney we could probably pay off the debt he created. Bin Laden laughs with impunity at “w” every time he mentions Saddam knowing that he had nothing to do with 911. Bush foolishly took the Iraq bait and America’s economy has been brought to its knees yet Osama lives on.
The old adage of, “when given lemons; make lemonade” was turned on its head and reversed. “W” made rancid garbage juice from the sweet nectar of Clinton prosperity. Bush and the Republicans are responsible for the present conditions because they presided over removing needed regulations from banking and investments and changed the personal bankruptcy laws that have created the present mortgage insolvency crisis. They have socialized Wall Street, banking and the Pharmaceutical industry then try to place the blame on others. Fox media echo chamber partisans play right along with the program of lies. No wonder this part of the country is so ill-informed politically. They only believe the revisionist history that is stuffed down their throats daily from right-wing media whores who laugh at them all the way to the bank. No liberal wants the fairness doctrine to come back and no one has mentioned it. Right-wing media actually creates more liberals and moderates than it does conservatives. Their endless lies, false logic and pathetic reasoning recruited many to the side of sanity as the last election proved. I know it did me.
The Republicans left in DC after the election have learned nothing. They are so bent on losers revenge and cheap Chinese Wal-Mart products they insist on destroying American auto unions and a quarter of our manufacturing base while assisting foreign auto industries and oil companies in taking over and sending more American dollars back to Japan, Germany, Korea, China and the mid-east. The stock market is just a reflection of this administration’s failures. Good thing we didn’t privatize social security, eh? The next few years are going to be ugly. Good luck Barack. With the GOP obstructing all your efforts you’ll need some prayer. Of course without Bush in office the GOP will certainly not provide the cooperation and respect to the president that they demanded while “w” was there. Just remember on January 20, 2009 Obama will be our new “war-time President.” Do you think they will reciprocate in kind? Barack won’t claim to be God’s chosen one the way “w” and his followers did and he also won’t blame his failures on being God’s will the way “w” has. Our government is a secular civil institution and real leaders will take responsibility for their decisions whether it be good or bad. After the last eight years all I can say is, “God help us.”
Colin Powell and other reasonable Republicans tried to warn them of their limited appeal to a moderate and more ethnically diverse population so what did the GOP do? They played to only the most radical of evangelicals and NRA conspiracy theorists. They are so tone deaf to their political plight their answer for the next election is to become even more right-wing and only focus on Southern and sparsely populated western states; this after eight years of terrorist attacks, needless war, debt tripling, and economic destruction to the extent not seen since the depression of last century. All this followed a gift given from Clinton with the largest surplus in history. The revisionist history lies have been coming non-stop from the Whitehouse and the right-wing media ever since they were whipped in November. They just keep trying to deflect blame for every Republican disaster onto that skirt-chasing hound-dog genius Bubba. Their legacy is so obscene even the shoe throwing Iraqi man was disgusted. If we could let the public pay $5 each for the right to throw our shoe at “w” or Cheney we could probably pay off the debt he created. Bin Laden laughs with impunity at “w” every time he mentions Saddam knowing that he had nothing to do with 911. Bush foolishly took the Iraq bait and America’s economy has been brought to its knees yet Osama lives on.
The old adage of, “when given lemons; make lemonade” was turned on its head and reversed. “W” made rancid garbage juice from the sweet nectar of Clinton prosperity. Bush and the Republicans are responsible for the present conditions because they presided over removing needed regulations from banking and investments and changed the personal bankruptcy laws that have created the present mortgage insolvency crisis. They have socialized Wall Street, banking and the Pharmaceutical industry then try to place the blame on others. Fox media echo chamber partisans play right along with the program of lies. No wonder this part of the country is so ill-informed politically. They only believe the revisionist history that is stuffed down their throats daily from right-wing media whores who laugh at them all the way to the bank. No liberal wants the fairness doctrine to come back and no one has mentioned it. Right-wing media actually creates more liberals and moderates than it does conservatives. Their endless lies, false logic and pathetic reasoning recruited many to the side of sanity as the last election proved. I know it did me.
The Republicans left in DC after the election have learned nothing. They are so bent on losers revenge and cheap Chinese Wal-Mart products they insist on destroying American auto unions and a quarter of our manufacturing base while assisting foreign auto industries and oil companies in taking over and sending more American dollars back to Japan, Germany, Korea, China and the mid-east. The stock market is just a reflection of this administration’s failures. Good thing we didn’t privatize social security, eh? The next few years are going to be ugly. Good luck Barack. With the GOP obstructing all your efforts you’ll need some prayer. Of course without Bush in office the GOP will certainly not provide the cooperation and respect to the president that they demanded while “w” was there. Just remember on January 20, 2009 Obama will be our new “war-time President.” Do you think they will reciprocate in kind? Barack won’t claim to be God’s chosen one the way “w” and his followers did and he also won’t blame his failures on being God’s will the way “w” has. Our government is a secular civil institution and real leaders will take responsibility for their decisions whether it be good or bad. After the last eight years all I can say is, “God help us.”