Monday, October 17, 2005


You don't hear much from the bush conservatives these days about the Character issue do you? That's all they could talk about seven years ago when they had a stroke over Clinton having sex in the White House and then lying about the personal matter in a trumped up legal case. Why the difference? One is a Democrat and the other, a Republican. The rules don't apply to Republicans. "w" can lie adnauseum about everything from Sadaam to Separation of Church and state and it doesn't seem to matter. He has caused the death and maming of almost 15,000 of our soldiers and countless thousands of Iraqi women and children but the character word never seems to come up. His lies on causes for war, the economy, Supreme Court Justices, debt, treason by exposing CIA operatives and others too numerous to mention add up to a pure example of contempt for the Constitution and the American people. When will the hypocrisy end? God help us.


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