Wednesday, January 02, 2008


What’s the deal with Chinese business ethics? When one of their CEO’s is caught using cheap or dangerous materials to increase the profit line he commits suicide to show his regret and shame. When an American CEO is caught doing the same he bails out with his multi-million dollar golden parachute onto the isle of pleasure and entitlement. No need for shame. That is capitalism in its finest and most brazen glory, American style. Yeah I know environmental issues aren’t as important or critical to Chinese companies as they are to U.S. companies but don’t you just wish that our industrial leaders would take these problems as seriously as the Chinese toy maker that used lead paint on all the cheap imports to America.

But is it really that big a deal? I mean come on. I was raised on lead paint and lead gas and PCB’s and look at me now. Case closed. I remember playing with mercury and coating pennies with it. My buddies and I would take a hammer to a ball of mercury and wham it exploded everywhere. Cool eh? We thought so but that was before we knew the danger of it. If our country really wanted to get serious about environmental or white-collar crime all they would need to do is model themselves after the Chinese. If the CEO’s wouldn’t voluntarily do the deed then we would give them the rope or gun and force them to either donate all their ill-gotten cash to Michael Moore’s favorite liberal cause or eliminate their vile values from this world.

Now you say, “why so mean?” Hell to me would be an unending dream of listening to a repeating “w” speech about compassionate conservatism and not being able to wake up or run away. I’m against capital punishment but optional suicide is OK for these low life environmental criminal capitalists.


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