Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Well Bushinomic, tax cuts, easy credit, deficits and needless war are really starting to kick in now eh? That big surplus Bill Clinton gifted to "w" could come in handy today. Yes, this is the rainy day he and Al Gore were talking about saving for in 2000. I remember all the right-wingers a few years ago railing about how we should be allowed to play the stock market with our social security funds. How would you like to be retiring now that the market and your 401 portfolio has tanked? The stock market is about right where it was when George came into office in 2001. Do you feel confident that he has things under control? As much as he did during Katrina and Iraq? Mitch McConnell republicans and "w"s actions or inaction on budgetary problems and debt over the last seven years has manifested itself and those least able to swim the strong negative current will be the ones to suffer. Their answer; borrow billions of dollars more from China, add it to the national debt and give money away to the public in order to stimulate spending. That's the kind of economic brain power that got us into this situation. I doubt the wealthiest 10% that received the majority of the first needless tax cuts are going to be filing Chapter 13 too often in the coming months so don't shed too many tears for them. Bill Clinton inherited papa Bush's recession and he had the dicipline to pay off the Reagan/Bush deficits and balance the budget. Even during Clinton's internet bubble bust the overall economy was strong enough to withstand a recession. Now with "w" in charge we are looking at the second recession in as many terms and this one looks like a fatal one for many average people. Most working people's bubble bust every time they make a house payment, go to the doctor or grocery and fill up their vehicles at the gas pump. January 20, 2009 won't come any too soon for most people. Read my lips. Bring it on!


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