Monday, July 02, 2007

Short Memory

What a short memory most right-wingers have. In the last six years they have dutifully protected their political sugar daddy, “George w” against all manner of criticism and accountability but now that his policies are coming home to roost they want to disclaim him. Any objective person could see years ago that he was the antithesis of a small government conservative. He has created a government bureaucracy and budget that would even cause Ted Kennedy to blush. He and Cheney ignore the foundations of the U.S. Constitution and are practicing unitary rule with no limits or oversight by any other supposedly equal branch of government. They have started an unprovoked and illegal war, ignored habeous corpus, stripped any independence from all government agencies, generated endless spending and debt, created huge government entitlement programs and thumbed their noses at anyone who dares to challenge them. Can you imagine if Clinton had tried to do any of these things while he was in office? But of course Clinton answered to a Republican Congress and there were checks and balances. Not until this year has Bush had any part of government not under his direct control. He rubber stamped every busted budget that his Republican Congress gave him and yet complains that spending is out of control. He created a new co-president position and Cheney is accountable to no one. He is more liberal in his actions than anyone since FDR. As any liberal dictator would do he vowed to see all his immigration critics at the signing of his new amnesty for alien’s bill but that hasn’t turned out so well for him. As he did with his prescription and energy bills he tried bribing as many republican congressmen as he could to get the bill pasted but his paranoid xenophobic ditto head supporters nixed the deal. Immigration is a hypocritical issue. People want cheap fruit, vegetables, lawn care, housekeeping and all other manner of grunt work but they don’t want to acknowledge those who do it. If U.S. citizens and employers were imprisoned for hiring illegal’s there would be no problem but we want it both ways and that is where reality meets “w” in the crosshairs. He can approve Paris Hilton and tomato-pickers being imprisoned but Libby and Bin Laden are still free. Where is the outrage?


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