Saturday, June 09, 2007

Response to Right-winger attacks in local paper

As usual my right-wing sycophant friends ignore facts and seem to be full of hot green-house gases. They rail about how "liberals" such as myself don't give any credit to this administration. Well that is exactly what I did. I gave them credit for creating the largest deficit in history just like Reagan did and for destroying the surplus and excellent financial condition the country was in when "w" came into office. I gave them credit for starting an unprovoked war against a nation that did nothing to us and for not directing their military efforts at finding Bin Laden. I gave them credit for ignoring the energy problem and for not responding to the disaster of Katrina. I blame "w" and the republicans for doing nothing to help alleviate the energy crisis. They wouldn't even demand an improvement of gas mileage standards on new vehicles or seriously encourage alternative technologies for cars and trucks. Going to war to take over an oil rich giant is this administrations answer to the energy problem. The oil industry whines about no new refineries but there is nothing keeping them from building as many as they want in Mexico or the tax sheltered Halliburton corporation's Cayman Islands just like all the rest of U.S. corporations do with their industries. They want high demand and low supply in order to maximize profits. It is basic economics but when commodities are manipulated this way it is the government's responsibility to respond to mediate the problem. When your leadership is bought and paid for by the oil industry what do you expect? Industry writes all the laws under this administration. They have proven themselves incompetent in all areas of governance. There is no disputing these facts.

My point was that the Gleaner published a piece which virtually plagiarized the spin put out by the Republican National Committee under the guise of journalism. It was not objective, factual or accurate. For local gullible Fox News / O'Rielly / Dittohead propaganda sponges who swallow every word and lie told to them by the right-wing media I guess it was too much to expect they could accept facts as reality. Such is the way of the modern day right-wing conservative. Being intellectually honest is not one of their strong points.
Some naive right-wingers even believe this administration hasn't politicized every department's staff of career administrators. Just ask Bush's own "Monica" Goodling, of the Justice department, about how partisan the federal prosecutors positions were. Monica's dress is stained with the fluid of careers of many good and honest prosecutors as a result of what "w's" obscene carnal actions did to them. Their crime was that they weren't aggressive enough at falsely prosecuting democrats right before elections. When 80% of the population, including republicans, say our country is going in the wrong direction and we need a change you know it isn't just partisan politics. It's reality. Right-wingers need to face it.


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