Monday, April 03, 2006


Are Christians persecuted in the United States? Give me a break. Over 80% of our population is Christian and yet many right-wing Christians fundamentalists believe they are persecuted. They control all three branches of government and are certainly no underdogs. Are they oppressed? Oh please. They seem so paranoid of anyone who disagrees with them like other mainstream Christians or secularists. The ones complaining aren't Christians at all. They are demogogues and con-men and the only thing they worship is power and domination. Did Jesus ever have a good word to say for war, torture, tax cuts for the rich, or raping the earth? I don't think so. He never said a word about gays either?

George Bush said Jesus changed his heart and God wanted him to be president. I sure am glad I didn't know this guy before he was changed. He might have been dangerous to the health of the world. Ha!

Thomas Jefferson called the type of Christian who trumpets his own beliefs in the divinity of Jesus rather than the morality of Jesus, pseudo Christians and that's who's running our country today.

Bill Maher


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