Why do Republicans seem to be so paranoid? Since the sixties Republicans have taken control of the South by pandering to the racists who claim that blacks are fornicating with their daughters and taking their jobs. Today Republicans favorite boggy man is the homosexual atheist school teacher corrupting their kids and Muslim abortionist doctors killing your unborn and your elderly parents in rest homes. Conservative Evangelicals and Rush try to frame the issues around these warped views. They fail to see that these issues are highly personal and private and that our society is very diverse. Choice is not a dirty word. It is a liberty that our founding fathers instilled in the Constitution. We don’t all believe the same about religion, sex, and government. Most people don’t believe a girl that has been raped should have to carry the fetus, that human life with a soul begins at conception, that homosexuals are far worse than divorces or that birth control pills are sinful. Some do believe that and that is fine but they should not force their personal religious views on everyone else by enacting laws. This is what is at the center of most of these issues today. Are we as citizens to have the freedom to make our own personal choices concerning private family and individual matters or are we going to allow partisan extremist conservatives to decide for us based on a theocratic form of government? I for one will not yield my freedom and liberties to anyone but to whom the Constitution guarantees that right to. Myself!
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