Wednesday, August 17, 2005

what party?

When did the Republican Party become the Party of Big brother and intrusion? This is the party that historically had its base of support in personal liberty and fiscal responsibility. Now it is the party of “w” and Ashcroft, who at every turn are interfering with your most basic freedoms and bankrupting the treasury faster than you can say “preemptive war and tax cuts for the wealthy.” They want to legislate their own narrow view of morality on a wide range of issues such as secular schools, obscenity, stem cell research, homosexuality, euthanasia and abortion as though that will stop them. They are not content to practice and preach their own morality in their families and Churches they want to force it on ALL citizens through Federal legislation. Can you imagine more Clarence Thomas’ and Anthony Scalias’ in the Supreme Court deciding what private medical decisions you and your doctor will be allowed to make? They don’t respect the Constitutional foundation of separation of Church and State or the fact that our Constitution is a secular document. When this happens we all lose more of our religious freedom. Yes, w’s party has been hijacked by extremist religious fundamentalists who distain our founders principles and want to legislate their own personal morality and religion by forcing it on everyone. That is not what the Constitution guarantees and it is the wrong direction for our country. Republicans need to stay out of our bedrooms, our doctor’s offices and our Churches affairs. It is none of their business what others do in their private decisions about many complex personal issues. If conservatives don’t believe in something, then don’t do it but don’t force others to adhere to your religious beliefs or morality. I don’t believe in gambling but I won’t force my will on others. We all have free will and are all different. Those differences should be respected. Our founders strongly believed that to the point of giving their lives for the principle. True Americans still believe that. Today’s evangelical Republicans don’t want you to have any free choices. It’s either their judgmental religious way or the “Highway to Hell.” Is that what you want for the future of this country?


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