Wednesday, February 21, 2007

No Balls

The brilliant maneuvers and influence peddling of certain elites to avoid military service in the Vietnam war left two ugly legacies that do grave damage to American troops today.
First, they learned young that wars are meant to be fought by certain classes, which they are above. They grew up with the entitlement spirit
of the elite. The privileged classes send the others to fight the wars.
George Herbert Walker Bush a star athlete in college. George W. Bush was the cheerleader.
In politics, that translates in adulthood into a refusal to admit they were wrong and a refusal to take responsibility for their mistakes. The war hero protects the band of brothers. The wimp blames the subordinates.
Look at Cheney. Instead of taking responsibility like a man, he works desperately and feverishly to pin the blame on others. The war hero takes responsibility of command. The wimp blames those under his command.
Look at Libby, allowing his aide Cathie Martin, to be blamed at a White House meeting for what Scooter did. What kind of vainglorious wimp allows his staff to take the blame for his own mistakes?
This is a recurring pattern in this sordid affair of the Libby case and the Iraq war.
Second, not only do those who never served fail to understand military doctrine or have military judgment. They believe generals and admirals are part of the lower class who fight the wars, not the upper classes who send them to fight. They believe the troops exist to be used for political gain, but allow them to be without body armor and other needs until this day.
The athlete enters the arena and fights with the gladiators. The cheerleaders talk tough from the safety of the sidelines.
Send others to fight wars. Blame others for the mistakes. Use others for political gain.
God save our troops, from bullies without balls.

Brent Budowsky


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