Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Man of the Year!

I certainly don’t claim to be equal to an x-vice President or nominated for an academy award for best documentary but my right-wing pals have indigestion when I tell them I was awarded “Time Magazine’s person of the year” for my blog work along with so many other bloggers in cyberspace. The beauty of a blog is that one can say what one wants and not be edited or censored by self-serving control freaks. The stick that pokes right-wingers in the eye is that there is freedom of speech and thought that they can’t subdue or distort the way they do on Fox news or right-wing radio programs. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing and should be encouraged. The internet helps balance the power of the media by bypassing the corporate middleman. Much to the consternation of right-wingers everywhere, freedom of thought and control of ideas are now set free from their greedy little power hungry hands and the world will never be the same again. The United States is the greatest country in the world and the technology that Al Gore helped start has started a revolution for freedom of speech not seen before. Thanks Al for your vision and courage and thanks Time magazine for your recognition of my job well done. As man of the year I will strive to live up to your opinion of me.


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