Thursday, January 11, 2007


I get such a kick out of seeing right-wingers make fools of themselves. They seem so bitter when someone speaks truth to their inane jiberish. It is comical to watch them mimic Hannity and other right wing clowns when they attack such easily discredited political characters. Their wise-as*s comments are an indictment on their own pathetic ideas. Neo-cons, please keep it up. I love it.

Remember when conservatives said that a rising tide lifts all boats? The problem is the only boats rising are the yachts. Is this not class warfare? Relative the Healthcare, why not Medicare for all? Corporate profits are up 21% but workers income, inflation adjusted, has fallen and worker benefits are continuing to erode.

The Christian imperative is to Return good for evil rather than an eye for an eye. Revenge only begets more revenge. Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord!


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