Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The conflict between religion and science has eviscerated any connection between rationality and honesty in modern spirituality. Virtually all evangelical literalists insist that the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that man is a direct descendent from a literal Adam and Eve. They cling to the old fundamentalist narrative of the scope’s monkey trial in Tennessee during the early nineteen hundreds. Why is it that conservative evangelicals feel so threatened by science and the facts that emanate from it? They are quick to accept the modern miracles made possible by scientific discoveries but have a disconnect when it comes to any discovery that appears to contradict their narrow view of religion and the Bible. In a more enlightened time this would be called by its true name; superstition. Superstition has no place in the modern world of the most advanced society on the planet. It is comical how conservative evangelicals reject global warming as a scientific fact and how Neanderthal politicians take advantage of Southern fundamentalist paranoia. They rail against science for being wrong and anti-God but when a scientific discovery supports one of their religious views they are the first to use science as the proof of their correctness. The hypocrisy of their arguments never seem to register. When it comes to issues such as stem-cell research to environmental science the superstitious evangelicals need to stand back and let the intellectual giants who have given us our modern quality of life do what they do best; grow the body of knowledge for the benefit of humanity. Regressive religious demagogues need to keep their primitive views of the scientific world within the walls of their Churches and their indoctrination centers they call “seminaries.” A hundred years from now we will look back on this period of our country’s political history as the age of superstition and anti-intellectualism. Bad science should not be used to defend religiously-motivated beliefs. Those who refuse to accept the truths of science will become an endangered species just as Darwin predicted.


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