Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Smackdown!

Finally, the arrogant radical neocons have been rebuked. Reason and moderation have once again won out. It's time for responsible grown-ups to take over governing. Bush and the Repus have proven they can't govern. They controlled all branches of government and lost both the war in Afghanistan and the illegal one in Iraq. They tripled the national debt, destroyed much of the Constitution and made us less secure from terrorism. They deserved what they got. Bush will not be able to strut around in his arrogance and play King with no limitations. Accountability and the balance of power are once again part of our governing process. Let the healing begin. Bush's legacy is set in concrete now. He is a total failure and his years in power were a complete display of incompetence. This election was the ultimate repudiation of Rove's dirty election tactics and Bush/Cheney corrupt methods of governing as a single party. Let's see how they do when they have to answer to an equal branch of government. Our country works best when we have divided government. One keeps the other honest. Investigations and impeachment should be coming but I think the Dems, unlike what the Repus did with Clinton, will resist and look to the future to correct all the errors and treasonous activities this administration has brought on our country. The dark days of this coven of right-wing fundamentalists has come to an end. Thank God! Let the real Christian Americans govern our secular Republic like it was intended.


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